Medical Billing Expert Witness Howell and Collateral Source Rule

Medical billing expert witness Howell specials work in California in matters involving personal injury, medical malpractice, and payor provider disputes.  Experts should have  an understanding of the collateral source rule.…

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Read more about the article Drug Pricing Expert and Classification Systems
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy diagram showing flow of prescription drug supply chain and funds

Drug Pricing Expert and Classification Systems

Drug Pricing Expert Witness A drug pricing expert witness understands pricing trends and drug classification systems and how these impact the overall cost of health care.   Our team has…

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Read more about the article Telehealth Visits Show Growth in Benefits for Insureds
Telehealth on iPad. Increasing numbers of procedures are covered by Medicare

Telehealth Visits Show Growth in Benefits for Insureds

Telehealth Update - CMS to Start Covering in Home Monitoring Telehealth update: Health plans are beginning to offer telemedicine services to their insureds that offer 24/7 access to online doctor…

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Read more about the article Cybersecurity Expert Witness & WannaCry in Healthcare
A WannaCry ransomware message appeared on medical devices and Health IT systems

Cybersecurity Expert Witness & WannaCry in Healthcare

Cybersecurity Expert WitnessWhen WannaCry ransomeware harms the patients of health care providers or members of a health plan, litigation raises questions.  Were all measures taken to protect the plaintiff's information? Either…

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Read more about the article American Health Care Act DOA. What Does it Mean for Medical Cost Litigation?
Paul Ryan failed to marshall enough Republicans to vote for the American Health Care Act

American Health Care Act DOA. What Does it Mean for Medical Cost Litigation?

American Health Care Act supporters, such as Paul Ryan, had to acknowledge that the Act was dead on arrival Friday.  Despite the fact that the Trump Administration presides over a…

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Read more about the article Secretary Tom Price Explains American Health Care Act
Secretary Tom Price explains the American Health Care Act and other reform initiatives

Secretary Tom Price Explains American Health Care Act

On the eve of the house vote on the Trump Administration’s proposed health care law, the American Health Care Act of 2017 - H.R. 1628, HHS Secretary Tom Price appeared on Fox…

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Read more about the article Rand Paul: Affordable Care Act Under Trump Administration “Legalize Low Cost Insurance”
Re-elected Senator Rand Paul interviewed on Fox News Channel November 9, 2016 hints at what changes may be in store under a Trump administration regarding the Affordable Care Act

Rand Paul: Affordable Care Act Under Trump Administration “Legalize Low Cost Insurance”

Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky was re-elected on November 8, 2016. In his interview on Fox News Channel Wednesday November 9, 2016 he re-iterated his statement that one of the first…

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Read more about the article Trump Executive Order, ACA No Immediate Impact Promises Simplification and Freer Markets
Trumpcare, President Donald Trumps first executive order regarding the Affordable Care Act

Trump Executive Order, ACA No Immediate Impact Promises Simplification and Freer Markets

The Trump Executive Order, ACA sends more of a message rather than effecting any immediate change.  It signals a reduction in administrative burden to the American healthcare economy. TrumpCare may…

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Read more about the article MACRA : “A” is for Access and “C” is for Children
MACRA's vision is that early interventions with children are key to reduce costly chronic diseases later in life. For this to work, education, access and health data interoperability are imperative.

MACRA : “A” is for Access and “C” is for Children

MACRA Changes Health Care Economics with a Focus on ChildrenMACRA Background: A final rule released on Oct. 14, 2016 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) details the final…

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Value Based Insurance Design New Clinical Categories for MA Plans

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing refinements to the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design (MA-VBID) model. Beginning January 1, 2018, CMS will add rheumatoid arthritis and dementia…

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Dual Eligibles for Medicare, Medicaid come under fire

  Dual Eligibles for Medicare, Medicaid cost too much.   The administration that created the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with Medicaid expansion as a centerpiece to cover more low-income insureds…

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