Medicare Future Sounds Like Medicare Past
Forbes published an article on December 11, 2019, after interviewing the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Seema Verma. Ms. Verma itemized three focus areas: the lack…
Forbes published an article on December 11, 2019, after interviewing the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Seema Verma. Ms. Verma itemized three focus areas: the lack…
Medicare LCDs Medicare Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) are inconsistent and cause uneven access to care for Medicare beneficiaries based on arbitrarily geographic boundaries and jurisdictions, rather than on medical necessity.…
A Medicare Part D Expert Witness should understand the differences between how Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, Medicare Part C, and Medicare Part C are administered. Finding a Medicare…
When considering how blockchain can help healthcare, it's first useful to consider what the barriers to adoption and barriers to entry are. The barriers to entry for new blockchain solutions…
What is OIG Regulatory Guidance in Healthcare? OIG Regulatory Guidance has seven elements and is divided by the healthcare industry sector. The U.S. HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG)…
As of 2020, CMS has mandated that Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) adopt the new Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM), certification surveys. Additionally, SNFs must use the QAPI process. QAPI is the…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2020 final rule for the skilled nursing facility prospective payment system (SNFPPS). Highlights of the…
Opioid Electronic Prescribing Opioid electronic prescribing laws have changed in the past few years. For example, prescriptions for controlled substances such as opioids moved to a paperless, e-prescription system in…
Pharmacy Benefit Manager Expert Witness A Pharmacy Benefit Managers expert witness (also known as PBM expert witness) must comprehend that Drug Prices are complex. First, I'm introducing some introductory concepts.…
Expert witness Michael Arrigo was affirmed as an expert by U.S. District Judge Lew. To view the ruling click here: United States and State of California v Pacific Health Corporation. Excerpt:…
Expert witness ambulatory surgery center billing Expert witness ambulatory surgery center billing quoted in allergy test overbilling investigation. Michael Arrigo interviewed by journalists at National Public Radio (NPR) for broadcast…
Medical Billing Expert Witness California Medical billing expert witness California requires rendering opinions on the Usual Customary and Reasonable cost of care. I receive questions on the difference between…