Medicare Local Coverage Determinations for Genetic Testing
Medicare Technical Assessment for Molecular Assays
To determine coverage for genetic test Medicare LCD, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) requires a Technical Assessment (TA) for molecular assays that are laboratory developed tests (LDT). LDTs :
- utilize Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology,
- utilize new or novel technology, or
- have undefined or unproven clinical utility
During the TA period, test developers are requested by CMS to suspend submission of claims for the test. Before submitting a TA, a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) such as Palmetto GBA may require that a lab register a test and obtain a unique identifier through the DEX Registry.
Medicare LCD development
The MAC may require that the assay must have :
- clinical utility (CU),
- fulfill the CMS “reasonable and necessary” criteria, and
- meet analytical and clinical validity (AV/CV) standards.
In addition to the ACCE criteria developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Medicare Requires use of ACCE Criteria for Genetic Test Coverage
CMS requests that Medicare LCDs for genetic tests be developed using “ACCE” which stands for:
- analytic validity,
- clinical validity,
- clinical utility,
- ethical, legal, and social implications
ACCE uses four categories for determining Medicare local coverage determinations (LCDs) for a genetic test. The ACCE methodology includes
- data collection,
- evaluation,
- interpretation, and
- reporting
regarding DNA and associated testing for disorders with a genetic component. The methodology enables policymakers to access up-to-date and bioinformatic data for decision-making.
There are forty-four (44) questions:
The ACCE criteria are below:
ACCE Genomics 44 Targeted Questions
Elements (analytic validity, clinical validity, clinical utility ethical, legal and social implications) | Component | ACCE Model Process Specific Question for Evaluating a Genetic Test (CMS has directed MolDX to follow the ACCE criteria developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in developing Medicare LCDs that define conditions of coverage for genetic tests) |
Disorder/Setting | N/A | 1. What is the specific clinical disorder to be studied? |
Disorder/Setting | N/A | 2. What are the clinical findings defining this disorder? |
Disorder/Setting | N/A | 3. What is the clinical setting in which the test is to be performed? |
Disorder/Setting | N/A | 4. What DNA test(s) are associated with this disorder? |
Disorder/Setting | N/A | 5. Are preliminary screening questions employed? |
Disorder/Setting | N/A | 6. Is it a stand-alone test or is it one of a series of tests? |
Disorder/Setting | N/A | 7. If it is part of a series of screening tests, are all tests performed in all instances (parallel) or are only some tests performed on the basis of other results (series)? |
Analytic Validity | N/A | 8. Is the test qualitative or quantitative? |
Analytic Validity | Sensitivity | 9. How often is the test positive when a mutation is present? |
Analytic Validity | Specificity | 10. How often is the test negative when a mutation is not present? |
Analytic Validity | Specificity | 11. Is an internal QC program defined and externally monitored? |
Analytic Validity | Specificity | 12. Have repeated measurements been made on specimens? |
Analytic Validity | Specificity | 13. What is the within- and between-laboratory precision? |
Analytic Validity | Specificity | 14. If appropriate, how is confirmatory testing performed to resolve false positive results in a timely manner? |
Analytic Validity | Specificity | 15. What range of patient specimens have been tested? |
Clinical Validity | Sensitivity | 16. How often does the test fail to give a useable result? |
Clinical Validity | Specificity | 17. How similar are results obtained in multiple laboratories using the same, or different technology? |
Clinical Validity | Specificity | 20. Are there methods to resolve clinical false positive results in a timely manner? |
Clinical Validity | Prevalence | 21. What is the prevalence of the disorder in this setting? |
Clinical Validity | Prevalence | 22. Has the test been adequately validated on all populations to which it may be offered? |
Clinical Validity | Prevalence | 23. What are the positive and negative predictive values? |
Clinical Validity | Prevalence | 24. What are the genotype/phenotype relationships? |
Clinical Validity | Prevalence | 25. What are the genetic, environmental or other modifiers? |
Clinical Utility | Intervention | 26. What is the natural history of the disorder? |
Clinical Utility | Intervention | 27. What is the impact of a positive (or negative) test on patient care? |
Clinical Utility | Intervention | 28. If applicable, are diagnostic tests available? |
Clinical Utility | Intervention | 29. Is there an effective remedy, acceptable action, or other measurable benefit? |
Clinical Utility | Intervention | 30. Is there general access to that remedy or action? |
Clinical Utility | Intervention | 31. Is the test being offered to a socially vulnerable population? |
Clinical Utility | Quality Assurance | 32. What quality assurance measures are in place? |
Clinical Utility | Pilot Trials | 33. What are the results of pilot trials? |
Clinical Utility | Health Risks | 34. What health risks can be identified for follow-up testing and/or intervention? |
Clinical Utility | Health Risks | 35. What are the financial costs associated with testing? |
Clinical Utility | Economic | 36. What are the economic benefits associated with actions resulting from testing? |
Clinical Utility | Facilities | 37. What facilities/personnel are available or easily put in place? |
Clinical Utility | Education | 38. What educational materials have been developed and validated and which of these are available? |
Clinical Utility | Education | 39. Are there informed consent requirements? |
Clinical Utility | Monitoring | 40. What methods exist for long term monitoring? |
Clinical Utility | Monitoring | 41. What guidelines have been developed for evaluating program performance? |
ELSI (ethics, legal, and social issues) | Impediments | 42. What is known about stigmatization, discrimination, privacy/confidentiality and personal/family social issues? |
ELSI (ethics, legal, and social issues) | Impediments | 43. Are there legal issues regarding consent, ownership of data and/or samples, patents, licensing, proprietary testing, obligation to disclose, or reporting requirements? |
ELSI (ethics, legal, and social issues) | Safeguards | 44. What safeguards have been described and are these safeguards in place and effective? |