ICD10 – Don’t Delay, Make Sure You Do an Assessment

Many providers and hospitals are putting off ICD-10 conversions, because they are already struggling with EHR and meaningful use. Funding is another challenge. Durel has heard from people who don't think ICD-10 is a big deal. He thinks otherwise. "... if you don't get it right, you're not going to get any bills out after Oct. 1, 2013," Durel said.

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Meaningful Use Subsidies for Health Care Providers, Impacted Areas

Physicians and hospitals each have a list of objectives to qualify for subsidies. For physicians, the goals include: Incorporate at least 50 percent of all lab tests in the electronic…

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No World Borders to Present at Atlanta ICD-10 Conference

Atlanta conference February 18th will cover both the data interchange standard HIPAA X12 5010 and the companion medical claims coding standard ICD-10. Over 20 industry experts from leading health consulting and technology solutions firms will be participating.

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2009 Year End Update on Health Care Reform Legislation, House & Senate Bills

Update on federal and state health care reform, key provisions, 60 votes secured in Senate. Cost estimates and cost savings debate, key state by state updates.

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